Thick Cut Pork Chops with Blueberry Salsa

In general, I don’t think I’m very good at making “manly foods”.

I prefer salads with frilly leaves and pretty colors. I like smoothies that are pink and fruity. And I get excited over party bites that are small and cute.

I can be such a girl sometimes.

Sure, every so often I hit the nail on the head with something outrageously cheesy and beery. But it’s just not my usual thing.

But Father’s Day is coming up, so I decided to dig deep into the recesses of my brain and figure out something “manly” to cook up to celebrate all the Dad’s out there. And a thick cut, bone-in pork chop was what came to mind.

It’s good to know that my brain still works sometimes.

Cooking thick cut pork chops (sometimes also called double cut pork chops) takes just a teeny tiny bit of patience. You don’t want to go all gangbusters over high heat. That will dry them out. Instead, you’re going to do quick sear on each side, and then turn the temperature way down and finish cooking them low and slow. Nothing complicated. Just don’t rush it.

I tried making these both on the grill and on the stovetop and – I can’t believe I’m about to say this – I preferred the stovetop version better. If you’ve been hanging around here for a while, you know that me and my grill are best friends. So that’s a tough breakup right there. But I think the stovetop pork chops turned out juicier and more flavorful. Plain and simple.

Oh and this fresh blueberry salsa with diced jalapeño and basil. It’s awesome. And it would be fantastic served over a pork tenderloin or some grilled chicken, too. You’re going to love it on everything!

These Thick Cut Pork Chops with Blueberry Salsa are the perfect way to treat your Dad for Father’s Day. But don’t take my word for it. Take the word of an actual, real-life Dad. My Dad! He was my taste tester and happily ate four of these babies (um…not all in one sitting) and he gave them two thumbs up. So they are officially Dad approved!



Thick Cut Pork Chops with Blueberry Salsa

Serves 2

Thick Cut Pork Chops with Blueberry Salsa


  • 2 thick cut, bone-in pork chops
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar, divided
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon finely diced jalapeño pepper
  • 1 tsp. brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon fresh basil leaves, thinly sliced


  1. Remove the pork chops from your refrigerator and place them on your counter for about 10 minutes to remove the chill. Season both sides well with salt and black pepper.
  2. Heat a cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add the olive oil and butter. Once the butter is melted, add the pork chops and cook for 2 minutes. Carefully flip them and then cook for an additional 2 minutes. Turn the heat down to low, cover your skillet with aluminum foil and cook the pork chops for an additional 12-16 minutes, or until the internal temperature of the pork chops measure 145 degrees Fahrenheit, flipping the pork chops once during this time. Add 1 tablespoon of the balsamic vinegar to your skillet, turning the pork chops to coat them in the vinegar. Transfer the pork chops to a clean plate, cover with aluminum foil and let them rest for about 3 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, make the blueberry salsa. In a medium microwave-safe bowl, combine the blueberries, diced jalapeño, the remaining teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and the brown sugar. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Stir the salsa, using the back of your spoon to lightly mash some of the blueberries. Stir in the basil leaves.
  4. Serve the pork chops with the blueberry salsa and a spoonful of the cooking juices from the skillet.

64 comments on “Thick Cut Pork Chops with Blueberry Salsa”

  1. This is definitely the perfect manly food! I mean, what guy doesn’t love pork chops? That blueberry salsa on top is such a good idea, Liz! This sounds amazing! My dad would definitely love this!

  2. I’m not great at the manly foods either. . but I feel like that’s all I’m eating lately. . more “meat” than ever. OK, I freaking love this and can actually make and eat this. . with the exception of the brown sugar and butter (will use ghee) . . but if I get some really great and sweet blueberries, I think I will be ok!!! Trying this, Liz!!! love the blueberry salsa!

    • Yeah! Glad I made something you can eat, Alice. Definitely would be fine if you skipped the brown sugar. Let me know how it comes out!

  3. I’m a total girl when it comes to food too! But I would happily HOUSE these chops. They look outstanding and I’m loving all the seasonal flavors plus that kick of jalapeno.

  4. Love the idea of a spicy blueberry salsa with pork chops. My husband would love this!

  5. DAMNNNNNNNN! These pork chops look freaking amazing, Liz!! Love the addition of the blueberries.

  6. I hear ya on the manly food thing. I like salads and cookies and small bites. I mean big beefy burgers are great but I don’t tend to make them, much less blog about them!

    I could totally see myself making this. yum!!

  7. I totally get what you say about manly foods, I would rather have a pink smoothie and bake a pink cake, but these pork chops recipe is sure to satisfy both, me and my husband cravings.

  8. This is too perfect and it LOOKS incredible, too!

  9. This is seriously some mighty fine pork chops. LOVE the blueberry salsa that you paired with the chops!

  10. That blueberry salsa sounds amazing. I can imagine how well it pairs with the pork chops. Beautiful, Liz!

  11. My waistline likes girlie, pink and healthy food, but my appetite likes meaty, manly food like these thick cut pork chops! I always try to justify eating something like this by pairing it with something a little lighter, so I adore that you topped this off with salsa! Blueberries and pork are a match made in heaven and these chops have got my name written allllll over them! Perfect for Father’s day (because I plan on eating the dinner too!) Love this, Liz! Cheers♡

  12. Well you nailed this manly food this time, looks absolutely awesome!!

  13. Meat with fruit salsa is basically what I am craving every day, all day, these days! I don’t make pork nearly enough, and this tells me that needs to CHANGE. Pinned!

  14. Blueberry twins today! This is such a great dinner for guys. Loving this blueberry salsa!

    • Yes, we were blueberry twins today! They are seriously the best! I’m eating them by the bucket full right now!

  15. These look great, Liz! OMG, I love fruit with meat!

  16. This is such a perfect blend of what you’d expect as ‘manly’ and your culinary style! Loving the blueberry salsa, so fun!

  17. This is just perfect man food!!!

  18. I guess I like the girly food, as well! Although these pork chops are looking pretttty good to me, especially that blueberry basil salsa…holy yum!

  19. I wouldn’t have thought of such pairing! But it must be really good!

  20. I’m with ya- I like the pretty salads and colorful smoothies. I’m always trying to think of new ways to prepare pork- this looks awesome! Manly with a touch of girly- I like it 🙂

  21. I am such a girly girl too! I have always been so scared to cook big food lol if that makes any sense. Love the touch of blue berries on this recipe!

  22. You’ve managed to make perfect ‘man’ food (because it is!), still so pretty! That’s an art, my friend!

  23. These are gorgeous Liz!! Seriously, look at that shiny glaze. Why can’t we live closer to each-other?!

  24. So funny Liz because when I think of a manly meal a pork chop comes to my mind too! Pork chops and meatloaf…am I right? These look fabulous! Love the blueberry salsa with the jalapenos!

  25. I’m all for this pretty-manly food!! And I think my dad would swoon over it, too!

  26. Yay! A manly meal. Gotta do it every once in awhile 🙂 and this sounds like something my husband would love! Adding the Jalapeño with the blueberries and brown sugar almost sounds like a chutney! He would be most pleased.

  27. This is totally awesome!!! Just to think about it makes me hungry! Thanks for sharing tips about how to cook the pork chops. Dry and chewy chops are really no fun. I need a cast iron skillet now! I can’t wait to try this. 🙂

  28. Pingback: 13 Fresh Blueberry Recipes You Must Try

  29. Pingback: 13 Sensational Fresh Blueberry Recipes

  30. Hi! I was so excited to try this recipe – it looks delicious! But I’m in the middle of making it, and after 25 minutes, the pork chops are still way far below 145 degrees. I followed the directions precisely. Any thoughts? Should I put them in the oven?

    Thanks for the help!

    • Hi Danica. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with the recipe. Are you using a cast iron skillet? Those retain and transfer heat very efficiently. If you’re using a different type of pan, the pork chops might take longer to cook. Also, if they are cut thicker, they will take longer. You can definitely try putting them in your oven at this point (keep them covered so they don’t get overly browned or dried out) until the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees. Hope this helps! Let me know how it goes.

  31. Never mind! Apparently my thermometer is broken! Doesn’t feel like going past 100 anymore! Thank goodness this recipe is so juicy – otherwise they would have been too dry!

  32. Hi! What sides would you recommend for this entree? Thanks!

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