Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix |

Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds. Ditch the chips and grab some Game Changing Flavors this football season! Enter for a chance to win the Ultimate Football Party Prize Pack, get great savings and ideas for delicious snack hacks at

Hi Friends! I’m back from my Thanksgiving hiatus. I’ve missed you! Tell me what you’ve been doing these past few days. Eating leftovers? Shopping? Making Christmas cookies? Decorating your house?

Me? I haven’t been up to anything particularly newsworthy. Mostly I’ve just been laying low, watching sappy Holiday movies and trying to re-group (and digest!) before all the Christmas madness starts. Sorry for being so boring. I’ll try to have something more exciting to report next time.

There is, however, one thing about today that isn’t boring. And it’s this Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix.

Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix |
Let’s break it down: stovetop kettle corn (the only way to make popcorn, in my opinion), pretzels twists, dried cranberries, chocolate chips and Smokehouse Blue Diamond Almonds. What’s not to love, right? It’s a great combination of flavors and textures. And the Smokehouse Blue Diamond Almonds pack so much flavor, that additional seasonings aren’t even necessary here.

This snack mix is as easy to make as it is to eat. And it’s so much healthier than those pre-made store bought versions because you have control over the salt, sugar and fat content. Definitely do yourself a favor and start making snack mixes at home! You won’t regret it!

My Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix is perfect for any party or gathering. And it’s especially well suited for game day. Whether you’re heading out to the game, or sitting around the television at home, I guarantee you’re going to want a big bowl of this stuff in front of you!



Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix

Serves 8-12

Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix


  • 2 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil
  • 1/2 cup yellow corn kernels
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 3 cups pretzel twists
  • 2 cups Smokehouse Blue Diamond Almonds
  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add 3-4 corn kernels, cover the pot and listen for them to pop. Once they have popped, quickly add the remaining 1/2 cup of corn kernels to the pot and sprinkle the tops with the granulated sugar. Immediately cover the pot and reduce the heat to low-medium. Shake the pot back and forth over the heat, making sure to hold down the lid, continuing to do so until the popping has slowed down considerably. Remove from the heat.
  2. Carefully remove the lid from the pot and transfer the popcorn into a large bowl. Add the salt, tossing the popcorn as you sprinkle it in.
  3. Allow the popcorn cool slightly, then stir in the pretzel twists, almonds, dried cranberries and chocolate chips. Serve and enjoy.
  4. This popcorn snack mix is best when enjoyed the day that it’s made, but it can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days.

45 comments on “Salty, Sweet and Smoky Popcorn Snack Mix”

  1. Yes! I would totally LOVE a big bowl of this in front of me for game day Liz! Looks delicious! Thanksgiving was fabulous for us! Went to visit our son Sean in Charleston, SC! Sunny and beautiful and LOTS of delicious food! Hope you enjoyed yours!

  2. This popcorn looks SO good, Liz! I could definitely devour this entire bowl while watching cheesy holiday movies. Love the sweet and smoky combo!

  3. I’ve been doing the EXACT same thing and it’s amazing, right? Also, I would eat this for lunch and not be mad about it 🙂

  4. I need some crunchy, salty greatness for the holiday movie binge I’m about to embark on, and I’ve just found the perfect snack!!!

  5. My weekend was not at all productive or interesting, so I can relate! I always feel so uninteresting! Anyways, this snack mix should be named culinary crack, because I’m pretty sure I would eat vats of this stuff! This is perfect to leave out and munch on all day long! #Danger. Pinned! Cheers, my dear!

  6. This sounds like such an amazing snack!

  7. Welcome back, Liz, and hope you had a great Thanksgiving! We’ve been watching a lot of movies and just relaxing aside from my son’s birthday party. 🙂 I love that this snack mix is on the healthier side so I can munch on it almost guilt-free as I bake Christmas cookies! The sweet ‘n salty thing is the best. 🙂

  8. This is just so perfect for the lazy, cozy holiday/wiinter weekend days ahead. I’ll be making a big batch 🙂

  9. This covers all the flavor bases- delicious!

  10. Oooo I feel like this snack mix would be so dangerous at our house! I’d blow thru it! We decorated for Christmas this weekend and all I’ve been doing is staring at my tree haha

  11. Your Thanksgiving break sounds a whole lot like mine! Maaaybe a little bit boring, but relaxing to the max. I’ll take it. 😉 This is my kind of snack mix. Sweet and salty is one of my favorite combinations, but throw smoky into the mix and I’m sold!

  12. I want a BIG bowl of this snack mix, like right now!!! love love love the salty and sweet!!!

  13. Love this quick and easy snack! It’s so easy to just pick the store bought version, but you’re right! You are in much more control if you just make it from scratch! Also, when you say “watching sappy Christmas movies”….are you referring to Hallmark? Because YES! I am obsessed…and if you are obsessed….we can have obsessive Hallmark conversations with one another!

    • So I TOTALLY thought of you when I wrote that about the sappy Holiday movies because I know you love yourself some Hallmark movies. Me too. So yes, let’s discuss! 🙂

  14. Ahhh kettle corn is a weakness of mine!! There’s just something about sweet and salty that gets me every time. Looks like the perfect snack!

  15. So many tasty yummies in here! Did you end up sneaking these in to the movie? And how was it anyway?

  16. Girl I love everything about this mix! I love popcorn, pretzels ( my biggest weakness!) and just tried these smokehouse almonds and loving them too! This is such a perfect mix!!

  17. Amen on the sappy movie trail! I watched Love Actually last night and I was feeling all the feels lol! I am loving this snack mix. Will be perfect for sappy movie watching to be honest.

  18. I’ve been pretty boring too lately, nothing wrong with that though! This snack mix looks so good, I’m kind of excited that I have everything to make it too! Those Smokehouse Almonds are so good!

  19. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s pretty boring at times 😉 (or always in my case, haha). I love this snack mix, it’s really so much better to make something like this at home vs buying!

    • Ha ha. Glad we can be boring together, Nora! I’d happily watch movies and eat snack mix every night if I had my way!

  20. Oh Liz… I don’t think you’re boring! Whippin up a batch of this and watching old sappy holiday movies is one of the best parts of winter… staying in and veggin in front of the TV! Delicious popcorn – homemade is the best. I tend to eat way too much of it alone, but add all these delicious ingredients and OMGeeee, I’m done! xx

  21. My mouth is seriously watering thinking about this collision of smoky, salty, and sweet. YUM! Can we watch a million movies and eat bowl after bowl of this? Pretty please?!

  22. Oh, hi snack mix! Get in my face!!! Seriously, I’m obsessed with snack mixes lately. The problem is they are soooo addicting with all those different flavors and textures in there. I love this one! A perfect blend of all the yummy things. 🙂

  23. Pingback: 89 Next Level Recipes for National Popcorn Day - Homemaking Hacks

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