Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter |

Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter

Elbow season.

A term used to describe those times of year when you feel stuck in the awkward, wrinkly space between two seasons.

Which is exactly (and begrudgingly) where I am right now.

New England weather has been a total B*TCH this year. The calendar says Spring. But the snow, wind and freezing temperatures say otherwise. It’s been relentless. And I’m tired.

Also, I’m moving in less than 10 days. And if it snows on my moving day, I’m going to be very cranky. The end.

But since there isn’t much I can do to change the weather (other than complain incessantly about it), I can at the very least channel Spring in my kitchen with my favorite Spring vegetable: asparagus.

Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter |

I have a decent number of asparagus recipes here on Floating Kitchen (like here, here and here!), but there always seems to be room for one or two more concoctions each year. Asparagus is SO versatile (soups! sides! salads!). And I never tire of eating it.

And today’s recipe for Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter might just take the proverbial asparagus cake. Because OH MY GAWD MISO BUTTER. It’s life changing.

Usually, I’m all about roasting my vegetables in olive oil. But this time, I decided to go more decadent and use melted butter combined with miso paste. And let me just say, totally worth it. This is precisely how you end up sitting on the floor of your kitchen eating an entire tray of roasted asparagus by yourself. Seriously addicting. And hello, only 5 ingredients required. You can’t beat that!

Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter |

Please try it for yourself. And then come back here and tell me how much you loved it!

For more ways to help get yourself out of this “elbow season”, check out the links below to see what some of my blogging friends were inspired to create this month!



Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter

Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter

At a Glance:
Yield: 4-6 servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 lb asparagus
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon white miso paste
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1-2 tsp. sesame seeds


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Trim off and discard the thick, woody ends of the asparagus. Then spread the asparagus out onto a large rimmed baking sheet and set aside.
  3. Add the butter and miso paste to a microwave safe bowl. Microwave until the butter is melted, about 30-60 seconds. Then stir to help incorporate the miso paste into the melted butter. It’s OK if the mixture isn’t completely smooth.
  4. Pour the miso butter over the asparagus, using a pair of tongs to gently toss the asparagus so it’s coated on all sides. Sprinkle with the salt.
  5. Transfer the baking sheet to your pre-heated oven and roast the asparagus for 12-16 minutes, or until crisp-tender, gently stirring them once half way through the cooking time. Remove from the oven and garnish with sesame seeds. Serve immediately.


Miso paste can be found in the refrigerated section of your grocery store. Not all brands are gluten free, so make sure you check the labels.

April Eat Seasonal Recipes

Spring Arugula Salad with Shaved Asparagus, Radish and Peas by Flavor the Moments

Spicy Red Lentil and Mushroom Pasta by Letty’s Kitchen

Greek Yogurt Avocado Chicken Salad by Joy Food Sunshine



18 comments on “Roasted Asparagus with Miso Butter”

  1. I’m so sorry the weather isn’t cooperating with you at all and I hope it doesn’t snow on your moving day! Asparagus is my favorite spring veggie and if that doesn’t make it feel like spring I don’t know what will. I’ve got a tub of white miso in the fridge and I’ve never tried miso butter SOOOOO I need to try this very soon!

  2. OMGeee 10 days! Full of excitement, anticipation and stress.. with the weather situation. Oh Liz. I can’t imagine! Here, we’ve new lakes all over the island – and the rain continues + mountain snow! I’m not complaining, though. The past many summers, we’ve been in drought and our aquifers need recharging .. the mountains need snow … the rivers need that slow snow melt to recharge the rivers… So, I just continue to wear my rain coat and slickers. At least it’s starting to warm, oh so slowly. Now, about these asparagus. I’m dying over that miso butter O.M.G! So good and SO pretty! xo

    • I know we need rain/snow desperately (especially you guys out West). But just hopefully not on my moving day. Lol.

  3. Why haven’t I done this yet?!?!? It’s definitely gonna happen, especially since it’s barely harder than my current method, which is simply roasting with olive oil and salt. Also – I’m so excited for your new house!! It looks like it’s going to be amazing. 🙂

    • Yes, so so easy! The miso is super flavorful, so not much additional work required! Can’t wait to be in my new house – you’ll have to come visit for sure!

  4. I’m saving this one. What an easy way to dress up asparagus–and I love miso!

  5. I totally agree Liz! This never ending winter SUCKS! My son just sent me a SnapChat from Michigan where it’s hailing at the moment! So sick of the cold! Good luck with the move. I’ll keep my fingers crossed it doesn’t snow…or rain! Love this easy asparagus. It’s one of my favorite vegetable, so I’ll definitely be trying your recipe!

  6. The Miso butter alone sounds unreal!

  7. LOL, I’ve never heard the term elbow season, but OMG, is that completely appropriate! I certainly hope it doesn’t snow on your moving day, Liz! I’m sending alllllll the sunny skies vibes your way, girl! Anyways, I am LOVING this asparagus! I could, legit, eat just a pan of roasted asparagus for dinner, so this is right up my alley! That miso butter is perfection!! Pinning to try! Cheers and good luck moving!!


  9. This is so delicious.  My 7 year old said he would not be eating the asparagus.  When he tried it his response was “not bad”.  On a side note, I could eat miso butter all by itself!!!!

    • Ha ha! Glad it got the seal of approval form your son! And yes, miso butter is life changing. I kind of want to put it on everything, too!

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