A recipe for gnocchi with roasted butternut squash, brussels sprouts, mushrooms and onions in a sage-flavored cream sauce. A great easy to prepare vegetarian dinner!
A recipe for gluten-free polenta bites topped with ricotta cheese, chutney, bacon and crispy brussels sprouts. These are a great appetizer for the Holidays!
A recipe for vegan and gluten free mashed sweet potatoes with tahini, coffee and maple syrup. This is a great side dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
A recipe for a gluten-free chocolate cranberry pecan tart from the Alternative Baker cookbook. This is the perfect dessert for Thanksgiving or Christmas!
A recipe for roasted Portobello mushrooms stuffed with a quinoa and kale salad with apples, pecans and an apple cider dressing. This is an easy and quick vegetarian dinner.
Welcome to Floating Kitchen! This creative space is where I share my passion for food and photography. I am inspired by real, seasonal ingredients. And I love to experiment in the kitchen!