Maple Roasted Pears with Yogurt and Maple-Nut Clusters |

Maple Roasted Pears with Yogurt and Maple-Nut Clusters

Last week was the week of failures. One recipe failed in the taste department. A second recipe photographed rather miserably. And a third recipe disaster was the result of my own poor judgment in the form of “oh I don’t need to set the oven timer, I’ll remember to take the muffins out”. Hint: I didn’t remember to take the muffins out.

Ugh. It was rough. Even I couldn’t gather up enough strength and humility to return to the grocery store for a FOURTH time. The employees already think I’m a little bit crazy. I don’t need to drum up any more suspicions.

So instead, I took a deep breath and made a recipe that has proven itself to me time and time again: Maple Roasted Pears with Yogurt and Maple-Nut Clusters.

Maple Roasted Pears with Yogurt and Maple-Nut Clusters |
This dish is a breakfast staple at my house. It’s rather modest and simple, with a short ingredient list and minimal prep time. But it feels kind of fancy too. Like something you might enjoy at a cozy bed and breakfast tucked away in a secret spot in the forest. Probably in Vermont somewhere. Because you know, that’s where they put maple syrup on everything.

You can use any variety of pear that you like. Just make sure they are still a little firm, or else they’ll turn to mush in the oven (= no bueno). And you’ll probably want to remove and discard the core before roasting them. I didn’t here (all in the name of gorgeous food photography), but this dish is certainly much easier to eat if you don’t have to pick around the core.

Oh and just to warn you, these Maple-Nut Clusters are like crack. You might recognize them from other recipes here on Floating Kitchen (like this salad). I make them ALL THE TIME. They are amazingly addictive!



Maple Roasted Pears with Yogurt and Maple-Nut Clusters

Serves 4

Maple Roasted Pears with Yogurt and Maple-Nut Clusters


  • For the Pears
  • 4 pears, ripe but still firm
  • Ground cardamom
  • About 4 tsp. maple syrup
  • 2 cups Greek yogurt

  • For the Maple-Nut Clusters
  • 3/4 cups sliced almonds
  • 1/4 cup shelled pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • Pinch salt


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees. Cut each pear in half lengthwise. Then cut a small slice (about the size of a postage stamp) off of the back of each pear half, giving the pears a flat surface to rest on. Remove and discard the core.
  2. Place the pears cut side up on a rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle a pinch of cardamom on the cut side of each pear and then drizzle with approximately 1/2 tsp. maple syrup. Transfer to your pre-heated oven and roast for about 20 minutes, or until softened and slightly browned on the top. The pears should be soft, but not so soft that they begin to loose their shape. Remove from the oven, cover to keep warm and set aside.
  3. Meanwhile, make the maple-nut clusters. In a medium dry skillet, toast the almonds and pumpkin seeds over medium-high heat until they become fragrant, about 1-2 minutes. Add the maple syrup and a pinch of salt, stirring until the nuts are well coated. Remove from the heat. Spread the mixture out onto a piece of parchment paper and allow it to cool. Once cooled, break it up into smaller clusters.
  4. To serve, distribute the yogurt evenly between four serving bowls. Top each bowl with two pear halves, some of the maple-nut clusters and additional maple syrup, if desired. Serve immediately.

25 comments on “Maple Roasted Pears with Yogurt and Maple-Nut Clusters”

  1. Been there, done that Liz! I think we all have had those same issues in the kitchen, so you’re not alone! I feel your pain! I do LOVE these pears. And those maple nut clusters…I would not be able to control myself! So yummy!

  2. OMG, kitchen fails are the worst! ESPECIALLY when you have to make a billion trips to the grocery store and people start to look at you like you are some wack-a-doo store stalker. Not that I would know. Okay, I do know… all too well. 😉 You sure as heck had an epic success here, Liz! I can totally see why this is a staple in your house! I know this is going to become a staple here in the SuBourbon Country Cottage, because these roasted pears look all sorts of delicious! I have made your crack – aka maple nut clusters- and they are crazzzy addictive! I bet they are delicious with the pears and yogurt! PINNED! Cheers, doll!

  3. Oh my gosh, please know you are not alone with the recipe failures! I failed hard on a cake I’ve been working on. (Baking is not my strong suit and it typically takes me three times longer to nail a sweet baked recipe than a savory one.) But if these pears are the result of frustrating kitchen days, then I think it sounds like it was well worth it!

    PS: Re your grocery store comment: My friends at whole foods just laugh at me now b/c they see me so much. We know each other by name, they know my blog (and sometimes read it, LOL, so sweet), and I know all about their least favorite customers who shop there. (Note: the people who forget to put numbers on their bulk foods purchases are the most dreaded ones!) The result of seeing each other several times a week, I guess.

    Hugs to you this week, friend!!

    • Aww…I love it! I think I have pretty good grocery store etiquette, but I will make sure to NEVER forget to label my bulk items. I don’t want to get on the employees bad side! Hugs dear friend. Miss you!

  4. I have definitely had weeks like that, too, but love where you ended up. What a beautiful dish. I would eat it any time of day 🙂

  5. Roasted pears are the best- love the maple here, both on the pears and in the clusters 🙂

  6. Fails are the worst. So discouraging, but it’s always nice when you have a classic you can photograph and share 🙂 and these pears look like PERFECTION! I am so absolutely making these for breakfast soon!

  7. Why do they always come in clusters?? One fail is not enough, oh no, you get 3 IN A ROW!!! Boo!! But I’m telling you girl these pears totally are making up for it. PS Glad I’m not the only one who has grocery store clerks who think I’m a freak.

  8. I hate weeks like that — I’ve had my share! I’m sorry about the fails, but we get to see these gorgeous pears! This looks like such a great way to start the day and I’m totally trying this!

  9. Pingback: Currently Crushing On. | How Sweet It Is

  10. One week of “failures” is good for you. . this means you’ll have 3 months of fabulousness! 🙂 and roasted pears????!!! See, we needed to see and get this recipe!!! Hello gorgeous!!!!!

  11. These are stunning!

  12. Gosh, I love good pears when they are in season! I’ve poached them and LOVE them that way, but I’ve never tried roasting them. MUST DO!! And the maple and yogurt sound like the perfect pairs !

  13. I love pears and adding maple-nut clusters sounds so delicious! Definitely going to try this one out!

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